I am working on a Bird Dog with floats. Here is a quick look at the prototype.
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The Corsair has been one of my favorite planes since I was a kid. It's time I design one.
Featuring 1100mm wingspan and full scale fuselage. I tested out a new camo technique on my nnP-39 v2. It's just tissue paper cut and glued to Flite Test Water Resistant foam, but it came out great!
When the FF17 air races were first announced I sat down for a few hours and designed the nnHeinkel He 100. After the rules came out I was sad to learn my design didn't qualify based on the set criteria. So I scraped the design and moved on.
I got a message from Planebreaker on the forums and he expressed interest in building my design. At this point I did not intend to enter it in the races and knew it would be a while before I got to the design at all, so I said what the heck, sure. A few days later I get a message saying he made some progress and included some photos. Since he used the word "some" I assumed maybe he had just cut out the parts and had some questions. Turns out the built the whole thing and it came out great! I share this story because even though the nnHeinkel He 100 will not be in the air races, thanks to Planebreakers help, it will be available for the community to build in the near future. Great work on the build Planebreaker! Just got the first nnP-39 build kit in today. I'm super excited about this one. The build video should be underway here shortly and I'll have it posted asap!
If you've seen my latest nnChipmunk v2 videos then you may have noticed the Space Shuttle hanging on my wall. This design is still in the early stages but it looks very promising! Plan is to use a 55mm EDF for power. If you have any ideas on better names for this build let me know! I'd love to hear some other ideas. Here is a quick look at one of my prototype designs, the Ki-61! She sits at 40" wingspan and is swappable compatible.