nnP-38Pushing the boundaries of the DTF medium in looks, performance, and ease of build. Pair it with 2x 200w motors all the way up to 2x 1000w motors. Push over 100mph all day long or build it light as a floaty weekend flyer.
nnSpeedWing design taken to the next level at 54.5" wing span and removable wings.
Depending on electronics chosen it comes in between 1400-2000g. Features split flaps, optional gear, magnetic battery hatch, scale fuse, cowl, turbo, and radiator intakes. For its size and weight it is the fastest/highest performing P-38 on the market. |
BEAUTIFUL FOAM BOARD DESIGNAll of this is possible to anyone with a little building experience and thirst for beautiful community designed planes. Plans will be free to download once they are finalized. Build video and review video coming soon.
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